Rawk is one of the great Heroes.
He has travelled the world for forty years, hunting exotic creatures, battling magic and fighting evil wherever he found it. But he has been fighting mostly mundane battles since Prince Weaver outlawed magic. And with no great deeds left to be done, Rawk is afraid he’ll soon be the old man in the corner of the tavern, dreaming of the good old days and telling tales for anyone who will buy him a drink.
But when a huge wolden wolf is spied from the walls of Katamood for the first time in a decade, Rawk is the man the city looks to once more. He’ll save them. He always has.
Rawk will fight to ensure the Age of Heroes doesn’t slip away into history, but what if the good old days aren’t quite as good as he remembers?
Praise for The Age Of Heroes -
"Did I say superb? Yes, it's superb. Great adventure told with wit and empathy for The Last Great Hero. Read it!" - Charlene
"Our Hero, Rawk, is at first glance almost a cardboard caricature. Then we see that he's just shallow and has lived an almost completely unexamined life. The story is about growing up and growing old at the same time. Guys will relate. The writing is loose and clear and fun, almost casual.Very enjoyable. Fun but also means something. I'm waiting for the rest." - Ronsonic.
About The Author
Scott J Robinson grew up in a small country town where the only fun to be had was the type you made yourself. So he was either running wild along the banks of the Gwydir River or inventing entirely new worlds.
Now, he lives in a different small town with his wife and three kids and, though he doesn't run wild as much as he likes, he is still searching out new worlds.