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Gabiann is an award-winning writer in broadcast, publication and multimedia. She is the writer of several hours of Australian television, three feature film scripts and over 12 professionally published fiction and non-fiction books.


In 2017 her multimedia interactive narrative, Kids Together Now won the Australian Teachers of Media award for best interactive application.


She has won or been shortlisted for several Australian and international writing prizes: including winner International White Raven Award for Writing of Importance 2005, and Original Television Pilot in the International Script-tacular Awards (USA) and Shortlisted for the Blue Sky Initiative with Australian Writers Guild in 2018.


Her multiple children’s books are regularly featured on the Australian Premier’s reading challenges. She is currently completing a commissioned work for Omnibus Publishing centred on the Green ban era in the inner suburbs of Sydney for the award winning My Australian Story series.


When not writing projects she develops and edits fiction and non-fiction narratives and lectures in narrative writing, film studies, creative business and screen writing at Macquarie University, Australian Film Television and Radio School and JMC Creative Academy.

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