What would you do if your boyfriend dumped you at your parent's 30th wedding anniversary party?
LEXI - I know I should be more upset about my break up, but in reality there are only two reasons I'm annoyed. First and foremost, he did it before I could, and second, he did it at my freaking parent’s party! Who does that? My ex douchebag that’s who! Let’s see how long I can drag out him picking up the tiny amount of crap he had at my place.
When my parent’s insist that my sister and I leave their party to celebrate my break up, Lacey my best friend jumps on the chance and we’re at our favourite bar drinking and dancing ourselves into oblivion, while sharing a table with a man that makes my skin sizzle. I have no time for someone new, even a one night stand, because I need to find me before I find another ‘us’. I won't live to make someone else happy, or myself comfortable ever again.
GABE - Am I annoyed that Lexi hasn’t called me yet? Yeah, I am, but I guess there could be a million reasons why she hasn’t, and I'm just glad I was there to help her and her friends out. Happy to have made sure they were safe at the bar and then got home as well. I would hope someone would do it for my sister in similar circumstances.
When Lexi and I literally run into each other a week later, I can't believe my luck. It seems like the answer to all my prayers, until I realise she's freaked out because I know her name and she doesn’t remember me, at all! As I watch her bolt, I know I have two choices, and I choose to walk away because I refuse to come across as any kind of creepy stalker. I've dealt with a crazy ex, and I won't do that to anyone. So, once again, I'm left without her number, and I decide to let it go. Let her go, but that’s easier said than done.
When Lexi’s ex plays a dangerous game, will Gabe be able to get to her in time to protect her?
About The Author

Chelle Pimblott lives in Melbourne Australia with her hubby, two teenage sons and their gorgeous Irish Wolfhound, Sarge.
Sarge is her companion when she's writing. He either sits with his paw or nose touching her foot just so that she know he’s there, on his bed nearby or stretched out on her bed and snoring away (at the other end of the house!).
She published her first book, in December 2017 after writing what is now the last chapter of her first book and asking her best friend to read it to see if it was any good. She told their friends at a morning tea that Chelle had started writing, they all asked to read it, then asked for the rest of the story. Three years and six books later, here she is, still going strong!
She has 6 books planned to release in 2021.