Propelled by the collapse of an intense love affair, eighteen-year-old Bruce Lowery sets off from his home in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria for a year long adventure in 1968.
Unexpectedly armed with a letter of permission from his father, Bruce and various mates hitch-hike to the remotest corners of outback Australia. They master the rudiments of fettling and sheep mustering, and find lodgings in some of the most isolated places on the planet. It's hard yakka under the hot Australian sun, and encounters with wildlife are part and parcel of the experience.
It's an era when social mores are changing and young men and women have more sexual freedoms than ever before, yet Bruce still chafes against the conservative views he comes up against. His long blonde hair is considered an impediment to employment, but he'll be damned if he's going to cut it. As Bruce struggles to come to terms with the ambiguity surrounding his relationship back in Victoria, he encounters a host of colourful characters who amuse, alarm and inspire him.
From the middle-aged nurse with an unhealthy interest in young men's testicles, to the drunken railway ganger and the law-evading jackaroo, join Bruce as he travels vast distances across this wide brown land.
About The Author
Bruce emigrated from the UK to Melbourne in 1955 with his parents Bob and Effie Lowery, together with his elder brother Bob Junior. After a brief stay with relatives in Clayton the family moved to Victoria’s beautiful Dandenong Ranges where he has had the good fortune to live ever since.
Following the late 1960s adventures described in this book Bruce accepted a position as office boy with the Australian arm of the German/Belgian imaging company Agfa, where he eventually rose to the position of National Sales Manager. This allowed him to eagerly participate in many varied Australian industries, that included motion pictures, music recording, medical/industrial X-ray Imaging and printing over a 37- year period.
Away from work Bruce is a Life Member of the Olinda Ferny Creek Football Netball club, having enjoyed many positions that include player, coach, president, secretary and Chair of the Sports Management Group.
He is the proud father of two much loved daughters and grandfather to three wonderful granddaughters. He remains happily married to his wife of over 50 years, Sue.