It's not all beer, skittles and Dr. Spock, this motherhood caper.
Somewhere between the experts who theorise and the amateurs who practice is a wide deep gap. Experts have written a lot on how to raise children. In a free society you pay your money and take your pick.
One of the interesting side effects completely ignored by experts is how raising children lowers mothers -right down. They are reduced to tears, tea and aspirin, hysterics, sherry, cigarettes, blunt instruments, bullying and blackmail. Life with children is composed of confrontations, truces, compromises and intermittent battles.
Suitable textbooks on survival of child raising might well include guerilla warfare, unarmed combat and of course, communication - handy for negotiating terms for truces, compromises, moratoriums, rescues of badly wounded psyches, egos and compensation payments when in the wrong (which is always).
Humour, Raising a Family, Aussie Tales, Mothers
About The Author

Launched on an unsuspecting commercial world as a stenographer I ended up copywriting in an advertising department and took to writing instead of drink when raising children.
Completed an Arts Degree at Monash University as a mature age student. Have had poetry, articles, short stories and mainly primary and teenage novels currently listed on Amazon, Book Depository, Kindle and writers-exchange.com