The first season of Sole Survivor has aired, a traumatized December Foss is trying desperately to escape her fifteen minutes of fame, and everyone thinks the drop bears are dead.
Everyone that is except The Ark: a radical group of eco-terrorists with an axe to grind, and Joseph Steinberg, who still has plenty of them in reserve. When the Ark release the drop bears from captivity, all hell breaks loose and December must face them again.
This time, though, they're on her turf. This time, it's personal!
About The Author
Zachary Ashford is the author of Sole Survivor - a novella of drop bear horror from Unnerving - and The Encampment by the Gorge & Blood Memory from Demain.
His short fiction has been featured in Dark Moon Digest, the Elements of Horror: Earth anthology, Trickster's Treats 3 from Things in the Well, and Kyanite Press. He's also a feature writer for Ozzy Man Reviews, an occasional blogger and a sometimes copywriter for a rock n roll radio station.
Outside of that, he can be found listening to metal, hanging with his wife and kids, or watching as many schlocky horror films as he can.