The Very Clever Bee is a non-fiction reference book for children that covers key aspects of the life and role of the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) and its great value to humankind and life on planet earth.
Although the book has been written with middle grade children in mind, children of all ages and adults alike will find beautiful illustrations, diagrams and pearls of information in the form of ‘fact boxes’.
The book is peppered with quotes from great minds such as Aristotle, Karl Von Frisch, literature giants Victor Hugo, Jonathan Swift and the most famous honey lover of all and much beloved by children, Winnie-the-Pooh.
Hopefully, the knowledge gleaned from The Very Clever Bee will lead to an understanding of how vital the bee is to ensuring a safe food supply for all life on earth. And children will learn to respect bees rather than fear them.
About The Author

Felicity Marshall is an author/illustrator of children’s books and also a painter and portraitist and beekeeper.
Felicity has an Honours Degree in Fine Art (Curtin University), a Diploma of Education (Melbourne University), and part degrees in photography and literature. She trained in classical ballet and was involved in performances and children’s pantomime. She has worked in the film industry for 17 years in production and postproduction.
She has travelled and lived in UK, USA, Canada and France and had numerous exhibitions of her artwork. She has published several acclaimed children’s picture books. 'Sage's Ark', 'The Star', 'You and Me, Murrawee '(illustrator), 'Hello, Honey Bee' as well as short stories and poetry. Her earlier book ‘Hello, Honey Bee’ is a picture book in which an unlikely friendship develops when a queen bee teaches a big human Queen about the value of bees.
‘The Very Clever Bee’ is her first non-fiction book for children.
Felicity Marshall is an author/illustrator of children’s books and also a painter and portraitist and beekeeper.
Felicity has an Honours Degree in Fine Art (Curtin University), a Diploma of Education (Melbourne University), and part degrees in photography and literature. She trained in classical ballet and was involved in performances and children’s pantomime. She has worked in the film industry for 17 years in production and postproduction.
She has travelled and lived in UK, USA, Canada and France and had numerous exhibitions of her artwork. She has published several acclaimed children’s picture books. 'Sage's Ark', 'The Star', 'You and Me, Murrawee '(illustrator), 'Hello, Honey Bee' as well as short stories and poetry. Her earlier book ‘Hello, Honey Bee’ is a picture book in which an unlikely friendship develops when a queen bee teaches a big human Queen about the value of bees.
‘The Very Clever Bee’ is her first non-fiction book for children.