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Episode 16

Strap yourself in with hosts Veronica and Darren for the biggest ABL podcast yet! In this episode we spotlight some fantastic reads to be found on the website, have a chat about gothic literature and what our Australian version looks like, and are bedazzled by a truly epic interview with author Phil Hore. From dangerous plants to dinosaurs, and from sea monkeys to Jack the Ripper in Rockhampton, we hope this episode will keep you glued to your headphones...


Are there any secrets hidden in your writing?

In Brotherhood of the Dragon there is a giant mystery the reader can work out - just who is the mains character in 'history'. There are clues everywhere and other reviewers have enjoyed the mystery.

Are there any passages you’d like to read on air to give listeners a sample of your writing?

There sure are. - depends on which book - or maybe a short piece from each book.
What genre/s do you write in?

History, crime, fantasy and fiction, noir horror natural history.

How much research is involved in your writing?

A lot - my books are generally based on historical events and I try to get everything down pat. In Brotherhhod its the Ripper murders, in Golgotha its the supposed crime of a crucifed solider in no mans land, in Horror its about the 1950s war on comic books.

Who helped you most when you were starting out?

I had a friend when I worked at a comic book store read some of my early stories and was brutally honest, telling me not what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear. I consider this the best thing that ever happened as it made me study my own work and try to fix my weaknesses - I also try and pass this lesson on to anyone who asks me to read their work.

What’s the most useful writing advice you’ve been given?

Put the work in. A writer writes, and each time they get a little better.

What’s your writing goal for the next twelve months? 

I have three books coming out at the start of the year, but by then end I want to get out a little gem I have been working on for nearly twenty years. It will change some Australian history.

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Click below to learn more about this author's spectacular literary work!

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