Episode 22
Hosts Veronica and Darren are back with another jam packed episode! Join us as we discuss ducks and basketball shirts (yes, we somehow managed to find a connection!), the wonderful books we enjoyed growing up, book spotlights and industry news, and Veronica has a super awesome chat with author Lynne Lumsden Green who's beautiful voice and stories about farms and passionate young readers will have you smiling for the rest of the day...
What Country do you write on?
The Jagera, Yuggera and Yugarapul peoples of Ipswich and Springfield.
When did you first admit that you were a writer?
I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t drawn to reading, books, and writing. I wrote a play in my third year of schooling, and by year five it was common knowledge I wrote stories outside of school assignments. However, I was an adult before I realised that writing could be a career, as I originally trained as a zoologist.
What was your favourite book as a child?
Just one? My very first favourite was when I was two and I insisted my parents read it to me every night; that was the Disney picture book version of ‘Peter Pan’,based on J. M. Barrie’s Peter and Wendy. At eight, I stumbled onto Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot and fell in love with Science Fiction. As a tween, I was keen on horse books, particularly The Silver Brumbyby Elyne Mitchell.
Is there anything specifically Australian about your book/books?
Yes; the Summer Brook Besties series is based around a farming community in Southeast Queensland. We have two main protagonists, one from Britain and one who was born into the community, and a range of secondary characters based on the sorts of people who live and work in the Scenic Rim region. The main settings are a dairy farm and a small holdings. All the main plot points are based around authentic Australian farm events, like cows calving and such.
Why do you think listeners should read your book/s?
Most Australian children don’t get to experience life on a real farm, as they live in towns and cities. I’m certain they are curious as to what life on the land can be like, particularly if they are keen on animals. And – even through the two main characters are girls – what they experience could happen to any sort of children living on a farm. I’ve had a couple of boys comment that the books weren’t ‘girly’ … and it pleases me that I’m proving books that any child can read with pleasure.
As a writer, are you a plotter or a pantser or somewhere in between?
When I start working on an idea, I’m a plotter all the way. Then I research and plot some more. I will write character bibles. I might even draw maps of the setting. Once I have my outline, things become less plotter and more pantser. I go where the story takes me, and sometimes what looked good in the outline has to be discarded or pruned, and other aspects brought to the fore.
How much research is involved in your writing?
Research is my mainstay. I don’t want anything to push a reader out of the story, and a lack of authentic detail can do that every time. Even fantasy, horror, and science fiction stories need a strong infrastructure that hangs together. The term for this groundwork that I was taught at university was ‘verisimilitude’. Research gives your story those details that build verisimilitude.
What words of advice would you give an aspiring author?
Try to write every day, but do take a break when you need a rest or you’ll go stale. Write what interests you – that’s what meant by ‘write what you know’ – your enthusiasm will shine in your prose. Read broadly and not just in your own genre; nonfiction books can be a great source of inspiration. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from other writers that you know; in fact, one of the best things I ever did was join a writing group. Everybody has a different writing method, so don’t be afraid to try new things. Never stop trying to be a better writer.
I sincerely believe that everyone has a story. So, I recommend becoming a good listener. You can never predict what will connect with the hearts of your readers.
Any final words for potential readers or writers?
To the readers, well, I am a keen reader, first and foremost, and so I feel part of the reading community. Never be embarrassed by your ‘to be read’ pile, be proud of it! I’m always adding to mine!
To the writers, never give up. Be brave and send stuff off. Go to conferences and make new friends. The bottom line is to have fun. If you’re not having fun, neither are your readers.