Episode 43
Episode 43 is here and we're bringing the inspiration to shake the foundations and pursue the dream of running your own business! Join hosts Veronica and Darren as they discuss winning the lottery and expensive thongs, the magic of business non-fiction's ability to let you ride on the shoulders of giants, how we can learn from remote paths trodden by others, and what has been truly proven to be important in our society...
ABL is also extremely honoured to present an interview with business and author superstar Mary Philippou who will absolutely inspire you to grab life with both hands, take the plunge and be all that you can be! Forget doom scrolling, 2022 is already magical thanks to the wisdom Mary brought to our show and the stunning passion she has for all of our amazing listeners...
What country do you write on?
I write from Melbourne, Australia and live in Alphington where I work and the custodians of the lands is Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation.
Did you have a favourite book growing up?
I did have a favourite book growing up! I grew up in a Greek Family and had Greek Culture with Music and Dance.
What inspired you to write this book?
What inspired me to write the book that I had so much knowledge, success, failures and basically my 5 Mantras was how I had actually run my business with determination and a drive to finally succeed. I wanted to share, guide and help others to have success in their businesses. Also, with Mentoring so many women over the years there seem to be no value in themselves to actually make money for themselves and their families.
Do you write for yourself or for a particular audience?
I wrote using my business journey and to guide women to inspire them.
Is there anything specifically Australian about your book?
No, there is nothing specific and being Australian, this is for women around the world.
Are there any hidden secrets in your writing?
This is my first book and it was written as a workable book for women and as for any secrets I guess was in the examples I had given them on how I grew my business.
Why do you think listeners should read your book?
If the listener is a Business Owner who sells products and isn’t making any money, it will help her to get motivated.
Is there a message in your book?
The message I wish to give women is If you have run out of excuses for making Profit, who have run out of time and whom failure is simply not an option. I know they are lots of coaches out there! I will teach them and be by their side to change their business to make money.
What was the best response yhou've ever had to your writing?
I was thrilled when my oldest friend and Mentor, my accountant of 30 years said “Mary this is a great practical read and covers the foundations to have a successful business” and really this is what I want to teach to business owners.
How much research is involved in your writing?
I have around 15 years of research and really more about the message I wish to give women.
What's your favourite writing food or drink?
Ha ha, my favourite food! Well of course Chocolate, cake, and wine.
Who helped you the most when you were starting out?
I engaged in a coach who helps you position yourself as an expert in your field. Her name was Katrena Friel who has helped lots of women write their first book. She was great and helped me map it out and choose my brand etc.
What inspired the book cover?
My book cover is BOLD and WILD, you see the movie Show Me the Money with Jerry Maguire actually how I run my businesses. Its about Passion and Enthusiasm and everything comes from the heart! And how to grow your business with building solid relationships before Profit, and when you do that, that’s when profit comes! Just as the message in the movie. The book cover represents me as I wear bright red lipstick and I wanted to shout out to women to make money for themselves.
What words of advice would you give an aspiring author?
Just do It! Do not doubt and ponder! I did for 15 years before I did it at 62 yrs of age, I wanted no regrets on my death bed!!