Episode 51
Join hosts Veronica and Darren as they chat about the power of words to speak about what can't be spoken, the dangers of sticking your head in the back of an arcade machine, new book listings and industry news, as well as an important, emotional and thought provoking interview with author Annette Janic about her book War Child.
(Please note, Veronica made an error introducing the book. Annette's parents arrived as refugees after WWII not WWI as was said in the episode. Apologies for that.)
Do you write for yourself or for a particular audience?
In the case of War Child, I wrote for myself and my brother. The story just happened to resonate with many other people of all ages and demographics.
Why do you think listeners should read your book/s?
Post WWII migrant stories have largely been overlooked in Australia. This is an example of what one of our ‘New Australians’ as they were called, lived through.
What’s the best response you’ve ever had to your writing?
The story, not so much the writing, encouraged others to share their personal family war experiences.
Who helped you most when you were starting out?
Catherine McCullagh. My co-author, script editor and published author.
What’s the most useful writing advice you’ve been given?
Don’t procrastinate!
What inspired your book cover/s?
The photo on the cover was taken in 1929. It is of my mother and grandmother. It was one of 6 photos my mother managed to save during the war.
Any final words for potential readers or writers?
War Child is not a happy, sexy story. It’s sad and dark in places so be prepared with a box of tissues or glass of red wine, whatever works for you!